I use evidence-based coaching to help people get out of self-sabotaging patterns and into confidence

Change your patterns —
Change you life

What Actually Is Existential Coaching?

How much ground can we shatter in just a few sessions? What limiting self-concepts can we overturn? What new patterns can we create in your life?

Existential Coaching is designed to rock your world.

This transformative program gives you the tools to heal from unhealthy patterns like anxiety, people-pleasing, perfectionism, catastrophizing, self-sabotage, low-self confidence and hyper-criticism…
And replace them with new patterns that are in line with your values, dreams and goals.

You’ll pick one specific issue you want to work on, and together we’ll dig deep, play hard, and get you rolling on some major changes.

Let’s do this. Let’s start some epic shit.

Five to Eight Highly-Focused Sessions =
Rapid, Transformative Results.


What It Looks Like…

  • Clients usually see me for just five to eight 90-minute sessions (Virtual, or in-person if you’re in Austin, Texas)

  • Unlimited chat and email support during business hours

  • I’ll teach you self-coaching tools to help you heal old wounds and make big changes to your relationships, thinking patterns, and emotional patterns.

  • After each 90-minute session, I’ll send you a detailed recap and planning email with more tools specific to your needs.

Who Existential Coaching for?

This program is for people who feel stuck. You have some patterns or habits that are getting in the way of your goals, your dreams, and your general well being, but you can’t seem to get yourself out of those patterns (I call this awareness hell).

  • Catastrophizing, black and white thinking or excessive worrying

  • Getting so wrapped up in work, parenting or relationships that you lose your sense of self

  • Perfectionism, people-pleasing or putting everyone’s needs above your own

  • Insecurity in relationships- or pushing people away

  • Just feeling stuck and can’t figure out your next move (paralysis through over-analysis)

Who is this program NOT right for?

Existential Coaching can help you heal old wounds, change your relationship patterns, and change your core beliefs. It is deep, emotional work, so it’s helpful to have some stability in your life while going through this work.
If you’re in the early stages of drug and alcohol recovery or eating disorder recovery, or if you are currently working through severe depression, I would recommend finding a therapist who specializes in what you’re currently going through. And if you’re in Texas I’m happy to send you a list of therapists I recommend.
I once had a prospective client with a new baby who was considering working with me, and I told her I recommended that she wait until her baby was sleeping through the night to start this work. She took my advice and we did the deep, brain-changing work when she was reasonably well rested. Just something to think about.

Ok, so, how much does it cost?

Each 90 minute session in $220
Lower cost session available by request (If you’re a student, have student debt, you’re a single parent, or have any other reason why you want to ask about lower-cost pricing, just ask! Let’s talk about it).

Clients usually meet with me every other week, but some space it out to once every 3 or 4 weeks. You can do whatever makes the most sense for your schedule.

Work with your brain instead of against it— and you’ll thrive!

What People Are Saying

“I thought I was too set in my ways to make these big changes to my habits and communication style. But the work I did with Abi…helped me to have a lot of emotional breakthroughs in a short amount of time, and make some sorely needed changes to my life.”

— Daniel S.

“When I started Abi’s coaching program I already knew all these tricks and tips to reduce anxiety – but I felt like there was a big puzzle piece missing…Now I know how to get anxiety out of my system instead of always finding ways to ignore it.”

— Paolo J.

What do
mean to YOU?

The toxic parts of our culture (24/7 grind capitalism, social media perfectionism, and cis-hetero patriarchy to name a few) are trying to push their own narrow definitions onto your life.

Let’s dismantle that.
Hell, let’s disembowel it. 

So we can each define joy, success, meaning, impact and pleasure for ourselves. 

My work is about supporting you in making your life make sense. It’s really not about fancy theories or complex philosophies (though, if you’re a nerd like me, those can be fun too).
But this is roll up your sleeves and get dirty, hands on, tangible work. 

We’ll look into the specifics of your desires, beliefs, and struggles. Whether you’re stuck in: 

  • How do I put my life in order so I can be creative, productive, and live in alignment with my deepest values? 

  • Who would I be without the self-sabotaging and unhealthy relationship patterns that I’ve been stuck in for decades?

  • What makes me truly happy?

  • When do I feel like I‘m being seen as my true self?

  • What would my own definition of success look like, anyway? 


    I ticked all the boxes and have everything I’m supposed to want--so why do I feel stuck?

 ...together, we will unpack the baggage and reclaim the power in your story so that you can start living your most authentic, meaningful and joyful life.